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Planet Remade


Author Oliver Morton Published by Granta Books ISBN 9781783780983 EAN 9781783780983 Bic Code Cover Paperback

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Despite the on-going political horse-trading over emissions targets, each piece of new scientific research offers further evidence that no feasible reduction in the emissions can now effectively mitigate the carbon crisis. With limited time for action, an increasingly influential minority of climate scientists are exploring proposals for planned human intervention in the biosphere. A stratospheric veil against the sun; the cultivation of photosynthetic plankton; a fleet of unmanned ships seeding clouds: these are technologies from the radical fringes of climate study, and they are chilling, not least given the risk of hostile use. And yet, we’re now at the point where we have no choice but to take them very seriously indeed. ‘The Planet Remade’ explores the science, history and politics behind these strategies.