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Ireland – An Aerial Journey By Dennis Horgan


Author Dennis Horgan Published by Red Stripe Press ISBN 9781786051745 EAN 9781786051745 Bic Code Cover Paperback

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Ireland – An Aerial Journey is a new book of aerial photography by Cork-based photographer Dennis Horgan. Dennis is a professional aerial photographer and the author of four best-selling books of aerial photography. This paperback version of Dennis’ best-selling 2021 title features high- and low-altitude imagery of the entire island of Ireland, captured from both light aircraft and helicopters. Text is by Tim McCarthy, a keen amateur photographer and hillwalker with an extensive knowledge of the Irish landscape. Ireland – An Aerial Journey showcases Ireland’s historic structures, its modern vibrant buildings and its infrastructure, with photographs focusing on heritage, inland/coastal landscapes, commerce, maritime and architecture. Ranging from Cape Clear in the south to Rathlin Island in the north, the imagery is a departure from the standard book of its type. Aerial photography creates the opportunity to see a subject from a differen