Author Mark Patrick Hederman Published by Columba Press ISBN 9781782183792 EAN 9781782183792 Bic Code Cover Hardback
The mid-20th century saw County Limerick positioned as an outlier – a Protestant enclave in a Catholic country. Between the conflicting factions, horses were the only common denominator. ‘Crimson and Gold’ examines a rare circumstance and sets the stage for a theological juxtaposition. From the moment he met ‘God’ in the on Knockfierna (Hill of Truth), Mark Patrick Hederman began a journey of trying to square his epiphany with the theology he was privileged to study as a young. Now, as a Benedictine Monk of Glenstal Abbey, Hederman continues to explore how we as Irish Roman Catholics can hone in on the most precious aspects of our faith and cancel the surrounding appendages. More pressingly, the author invites us to ask where ‘God’ is to be found in the Ireland of today.